Monument to Nicholas II proposed for Murmansk

On 22nd December 2023, the Day of the Murmansk Region was held at VDNH in Moscow, during which a proposal was made to the Governor of Murmansk Region Andrei Vladimirovich Chibis, for the installation of a monument to Emperor Nicholas II in the center of Murmansk.

Historical memory must be observed, and in accordance with the initiatives of the residents and the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, a decision was made to build a cathedral [Preobrazhensky St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral] in Murmansk. The cathedral will be dedicated to the heroes of the First and Second World Wars. In addition, the installation of a monument to Emperor Nicholas II on the grounds of the cathedral is already being considered, however, the proposal must be approved by the residents of Murmansk,” the governor said.

The decision to build a cathedral in Murmansk was proposed 106 years ago, by Russia’s last Tsar, who approved the project. According to project manager Archpriest Vladimir Semenov, the completion of the cathedral “will fulfill the last will of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, who is the founder of our city and the governing synod until February 1917”. Construction on the cathedral began earlier this year and is expected to be completed in 2028.

PHOTO: artist concept of Preobrazhensky St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral in Murmansk, to be completed in 2028


Recall that Murmansk was the last city founded in the Russian Empire. Russia’s first ice free port was founded here in 1916 by Nicholas II and named Romanov-on-Murman. It was officially named Murmansk during the Soviet years.

In recent years, Emperor Nicholas II has been commemorated in a number of projects in Murmansk and the surrounding region:

  • In June 2019, Murmansk Airport was reamed Nicholas II-Murmansk Airport
  • In July 2019, plans were announced for a bust-monument to Nicholas II, to be installed in front of the main terminal at Nicholas II-Murmansk Airport
  • In November 2020, a permanent photo-exhibition dedicated to Nicholas II opened in the terminal building at Nicholas II-Murmansk Airport
  • In  December 2020, a bust-monument to Nicholas II was installed on the grounds of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Kovdor
  • In January 2023, plans were announced for the installment of  sculptural composition of the last Russian Imperial Family, in front of Nicholas II-Murmansk Airport

© Paul Gilbert. 22 December 2023