Photo-exhibit dedicated to the family of Nicholas II opens in Sayansk

On 26th January 2024, a photo-exhibition The Tsar’s Family. Love and Mercy. opened in the Siberian city of Sayansk. The exhibition features photographs reflecting the life and work of the last Russian Emperor and his family. The photos are provided by the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow and are part of a nationwide project that has been successfully implemented in many cities across Russia and abroad.

Father Volodymyr Danilko, head of the diocesan department of religious education, delivered an opening speech at the opening of the exhibit. Art historian Svetlana Panina spoke about Christian virtues and relationships within the family of Nicholas II.

The exhibition runs until 2nd March 2024, at the Art Gallery in Sayansk.

The importance of these photo-exhibitions

On 30th January 2024, I read a particularly disturbing article in one of the online Russian media outlets, which told about two schoolchildren fighting over Nicholas II. One boy spoke negatively about the Tsar, referring to him as “a weak ruler” and “Nicholas the Bloody”, while the second boy defended the Tsar. An argyment ensued, followed by a physical altercation, leaving one boy with a broken nose. The fight took place in the school yard of the Petrovskaya School, one of the top 30 private educational institutions in Moscow.

It is very sad that school children are still being taught the same negative Bolshevik myths and lies, which have endured for more than a century, by either their parents or educators, who still embrace the Bolshevik assessment of Russia’s much slandered Tsar. This is one reason WHY, these photo-exhibitions are so important in 21st century Russia. They provide children with a more honest and truthful assessment of the life and reign of Nicholas II.

*As I have noted in previous posts, I support any initiative – big or small – to help keep the memory of Nicholas II and his family alive in 21st century Russia – PG

© Paul Gilbert. 9 February 2024